Monday, May 10, 2004

More stuff you didn't want to hear


"Appearing on CNN's "American Morning," an attorney for Pfc. Lynndie England said they were "staged" by intelligence officials who were running Abu Ghraib at the time.

England was photographed holding a what appears to be a leash attached to the neck of a naked Iraqi prisoner

"They are psychological operations photos," said attorney Giorgio Ra'Shadd. "Those were instructed and the ones that were not specifically instructed were inferred by the civilian intelligence people who took control."

Another attorney for England, Rose Mary Zapor, said the photo, "is not a picture of our client abusing a prisoner in any way.'"

Oh joy, lawyerspeak. "No Iraqi prisoners were harmed in the making of this video." Riiiiiight.

There was a bit more elaboration on the "American Morning" program that isn't quoted here, including something to the effect that whatever orders Pfc. England received from civilian intelligence were inherently unlawful.

Now since I'm civilian and a nonlawyer, I may be missing some fine point, but the question that leaps to mind immediately is, "Why was she following unlawful orders?"

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